Expectations VS. Reality

So here you are. You’re either in the automotive retail industry or you are considering a career in automotive sales and you’re looking for guidance. I will start by telling you, as you may have already heard, there is not a career potentially more lucrative and satisfying than sales. BUT. Yes, BUT, it is entirely up to you. By now you may have realized, nobody is going to do shit for you in this business. You will only successful because of YOU. Success in this business does not happen to you. It happens because of you. That being said, if you are BRAND SPANKING NEW to this business, you’ve been promised many, many things by now. You’ve been promised the opportunity to earn six figures, only thanks to “the best pay plan in the industry” – of course.  You’ve been promised training and mentorship; which you very well might still get, at least from the manufactures programs. This is quite a list of grand EXPECTATIONS prior to even selling your first car. All to often I have found that many for-go any real training and many of you may already have been thrown to the floor with no real direction of how to achieve the aforementioned opportunities promised to you.

In much of my interaction with an automotive dealerships sales staff, I am all too often approached by a sales person who has been promised these things to work for the dealership. Often times they start and find that the REALITY of what is to be offered is completely opposite. For THIS, I am taking the time to put together a series “playbooks”, if you will, to help put you in the direction of the success you are easily able to achieve when embarking on this journey. Like I said, and I will say it often, nobody is going to do a damn thing to help you. You are on your own from here. You, more than likely, will not get the training or guidance you were promised by your manager. That’s right, I said it… YOU WILL NOT BE TRAINED OR DIRECTED BY YOUR MANAGERS UPON BEING HIRED IN A DEALERSHIP. From here on out, it’s “what have you done for me today?” MAYBE, just maybe, if you are one of the lucky ones, you may get thrown a few hints, tips and tricks, by a seasoned sales person on the team. To much dismay, all too often the manger is just flat out TOO busy to give you the dedicated attention to become a top performer. THAT is my motivation to help you. Stay tuned…